
Strip club bartender
Strip club bartender

Soto is now suing the business in federal district court in Western Texas, seeking compensation for her lost wages and emotional suffering, among other things.Ī similar case took place in Georgia in 2013, when an Atlanta-area stripper alleged she was taken off the schedule the day her manager learned she was pregnant. The EEOC granted Soto the right to sue this summer, according to the suit it was not clear whether the agency awarded her any damages. “As such, I find that Respondent violated Title VII by reducing Charging Party’s work shifts, then by removing her entirely from the work schedule, effectively terminating her employment due to her sex,” the decision reads, according to the suit. According to the suit, the EEOC found that the available evidence showed her pregnancy was “the motivating reason for the adverse actions taken against her” and that the business “did not provide evidence to show that the adverse actions taken against the Charging Party were motivated by non-discriminatory reasons.” Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, alleging that the strip club had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by discriminating against her for her pregnancy. Soto then filed a complaint with the U.S. She was never given any further shifts, according to the lawsuit. In May 2019, four months after she notified the business of her pregnancy, ​​Soto says she went into work for a baby shower and learned that she was no longer on the schedule at all. The Bronco safety states he has learned from this experience and wants to move on.According to the lawsuit, Soto texted the scheduling manager to ask about the reduced shifts, and he allegedly responded: “I am suppose to let u go till ur done with the pregnancy but was tryn to give u some shifts.” That was after she spoke to general manager Kenneth Dean, who she claims told her that she no longer fit into the “fantasy” of the business because no one wanted to see a pregnant woman at a strip club.

strip club bartender

Strip club bartender free#

Ward received a $23 million contract with the Denver Broncos as a free agent this year.

strip club bartender

Denver Police are investigating the incident. If Ward pleads guilty to one or more violations in Denver Municipal Court, he is subject to fines not to exceed $999 or serve jail time not to exceed one year or both. TJ Ward threw his bottle and struck the bartender injuring her wrist. The bartender saw him pour himself a drink from his own bottle. He returned a little later and asked the same bartender for a cup of ice. It is unlawful in Colorado to bring previously purchased alcohol into an establishment where alcoholic beverages are being sold.

strip club bartender

He was asked to take the beverage outside. Shortly after Ward was seen bringing his own alcoholic beverage into the strip club. It is reported that he and two other patrons asked the bartender to make change in $1 bills. On around 2:30 in the morning TJ Ward, 27, allegedly brought his own alcoholic beverage into Centerfold Show Club, also known as PT’s All Nude club, and allegedly threw an object at a female bartender. It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb or tend to disturb the peace of others by violent, tumultuous, offensive or obstreperous conduct or by loud or unusual noises or by unseemly, profane, obscene or offensive language calculated to provoke a breach of the peace or for any person to permit any such conduct in any house or upon any premises owned or possessed by such person or under their management or control, when within such person’s power to prevent, so that others in the vicinity are or may be disturbed thereby. It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally or recklessly assault, beat, strike, fight or inflict violence on any other person. TJ Ward, the newly signed Denver Bronco safety, received a summons for an appearance in Denver Municipal Court for assault and disturbing the peace for throwing a glass object at a strip club bartender.

Strip club bartender