We are a community more than 500 strong made up of Japanese learners of all skill levels, working. (the first two are basically the same server :p Well they actually were at some point which is why they are so similar *Edit: No longer so.) Edit: Can we please keep server drama from literally months ago away from here, thanks. Come and study with us at Black Cat Japanese Translation club. Something to note is that they have their own subreddit ( ) All I know, is that they seem to be based around the idea of learning Japanese from anime. アニメで日本語 - 19 (16): I have not been to active on this server so I can't say anything useful about them. Language practice and learning server 500< : Has multiple channels for different languages much like ling and land. A very friendly server with not only an active Japanese channel, but over 20 different channels for other languages. Ling & Lang 230 roughly: *Dead link, would like a new link. Korean historians criticized his writings as resembling Japanese colonial slogans including Nissen dsoron (common ancestry of Japan and Chosn) and.

日本語を勉強しましょう - 404 (235): Heavily moderated, has a large amount of learning resources.Įast Asian culture sphere - roughly 100 *Dead link, would like a new link.Įnglish-Japanese Language Exchange - 238 (71): I joined less than 3 hours ago, so I am not too sure how things go down there, so I am just going to copy and paste a bit from their reddit post "We offer one-on-one language exchanges with natives, weekly events, lax rules to promote relaxed discussion"
*Edit: THIS SERVER IS NOT A FREE TRANSLATION SERVICE nor are any other servers on this list, r/translator/ would be the correct place to go. Edit: There are now intermediate and beginner reading circles, as well casual voice chats most days. 日本語と英語 - 812 (284): There are reading circle hosted by the "mentors" of the server every week at, where people take turns reading through manga panels.

(I have removed a server and updated the invite links)If you know of any more and would like to me to add them to the list please tell me! Listed by number of online users at the time of this post on the 11th of Jan 2017 (original values in brackets):